Axiom Tutoring

Tutor for Math, CompSci, Stats, Logic

Professional tutoring service offering individualized, private instruction for high school and college students.  Well qualified and experienced professional with an advanced degree from Columbia University.  Advanced/college mathematics, logic, computer science, statistics, physics, and chemistry.


The price that I quote you when you contact me, can vary depending on how busy I am. I tend to be very busy near exam times for university students — so if you contact me then, my base rate may be as high as $200 per hour.

But I offer the following discounts. Depending on time of year and which discounts apply, you might expect a price quote closer to $80 per hour.

  • Mathematician’s discount: If you enjoy learning mathematics, especially at the high school or undergraduate level.

  • Fixed schedule: If you can agree to a no-reschedule and no-refund policy for meetings.

  • Weekday morning/late evenings: If you can meet at times when most of my students don’t schedule (often, weekdays before 2 PM Eastern Time).

  • School break: Meetings during the summer (June-August) and winter break (January, February) are heavily discounted.

  • Subject-based: If you are studying a subject that I’m currently working on (right now, analysis and measure theoretic probability).

Feedback Service

I also offer a “feedback service” which is my lowest-price option.

To use this service, you’ll need to make an Overleaf document containing any questions that you have, or work that you’ve already completed.

Once you share the document with me, I can leave answers to questions, and correct any mistakes.

Apply for a Discount

If you would like a price quote for one or more of the discount offers above, please use the form below, with a brief explanation.