Subjects Available for Tutoring
Below is a listing of course titles for which I offer tutoring, as well as some corresponding course numbers at Georgia Tech.
Discrete Mathematics (proof writing, Higher Mathematics, Finite Mathematics, Discrete Structures)
GaTech MATH 1601, MATH 1711, MATH 2106, MATH 2603
Calculus (I through IV, including Vector Analysis, and Advanced Calculus)
GaTech MATH 1501, MATH 1512, MATH 1550, MATH 1551, MATH 1552, MATH 2550, MATH 2551, MATH 1561
Linear Algebra (Matrix Methods and Abstract Vector Spaces)
GaTech MATH 1553, MATH 1554, MATH 1564, MATH 2406, MATH 3406
Differential Equations with matrix methods and series solutions
GaTech MATH 2552, MATH 2562
Basic Real Analysis
GaTech MATH 4317, MATH 4318
GaTech MATH 4320
Mathematical Logic
Set Theory
General Topology
MATH 4431
Programming in Java, Python, OCaml, Haskell, JavaScript, and C
Introduction to Computer Science
Web programming
Imperative and Object-oriented programming
Functional programming and the lambda calculus
The Computer Algebra Systems (CASs): Sage, Maxima, SymPy
Algorithms and Data Structures
Theoretical Computer Science (Automata, Decidability, and Complexity)
Introductory Statistics, with or without Calculus
GaTech MATH 3215, MATH 3225
Mathematical Statistics
GaTech MATH 3236, MATH 3670, MATH 4261, MATH 4262
Probability Theory
GaTech MATH 3235
PHILOSOPHY and logic
Analytic Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Logic
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Mathematics
Logic (also called Symbolic Logic)
Modal Logic
Non-classical logic
Orders and Lattices
Introductory Physics
Game Theory