Axiom Tutoring

Tutor for Math, CompSci, Stats, Logic

Professional tutoring service offering individualized, private instruction for high school and college students.  Well qualified and experienced professional with an advanced degree from Columbia University.  Advanced/college mathematics, logic, philosophy, test prep, microeconomics, computer science and more.

Proof that weak convergence implies weak* convergence.

Theorem: Let \((X,\|\cdot\|)\) be a normed linear space and \(\{\varphi_n\}\cup\varphi\subseteq X^*\) and \(\{\varphi_n\}\overset w \to \varphi\). Then \(\varphi_n\overset *\to \varphi\).

Proof: Let \(f\in X\) and we show that \(\varphi_n(f)\to\varphi(f)\). Notice that by the assumption of weak convergence, if \(\psi\in X^{**}\) then \(\psi(\varphi_n)\to\psi(\varphi)\). We may therefore set \(\psi_f(\varphi')=\varphi'(f)\) in which case it follows that $$ \varphi_n(f) = \psi_f(\varphi_n)\to \psi_f(\varphi)=\varphi(f) $$ This shows \(\varphi_n\overset*\to\varphi\) as desired.